Encounter- Centered Couples Therapy is a treatment modality developed by internationally known psychologist Hedy Schleifer. It is based on Imago Relationship Theory, Buber's relational philosophy, Appreciative Inquiry, the Judaic concept of Tikkun, and the latest neurobiological research on memory reconsolidating and unblocking of emotional memories.
This modality guides the couple thru the three invisible connectors: the encounter, the bridge and the relational space. It then guides couples three the unraveling of the survival pattern, into a relational maturity that impacts not just the couple, but the individual, and in turn society as a whole. For more information (in vivo sessions) you may visit www.HedyYumi.com
What's next ?
Duration: 2 hours aprox
During this appointment your therapist will assess the level of commitment and readiness of both partners, teach you some basics about why we disconnect and guide you thru one or more exercises of reconnection.
Modalities :
• 2 Day Intensives
This is the MOST effective treatment we offer. It is 2 FULL days of intensive work. Prepare to dive into the most intensely beautiful connection you have ever experienced with your partner. Learn how to truly communicate with your partner, forgive mutual pain, learn how you each contribute to the disconnect, and visit your partner in his/her most beautiful, as well as vulnerable areas. Learn to love your partner in the way that he/she wants to be loved and restarts a new emotional and physical connection based not on the fears that cause us to hide from each other, or attack the other, but on our true essence which allows us to be who we truly are in harmony and connection.
• 3 hours intensive sessions
The same topics will be covered as in the 2 day INTENSIVE; however, it will be divided into 3 hour segments with meetings every week or every other week for a total of 12/14 hours.